Thursday, October 9, 2014

Summer Reading

Hello fellow readers!

It might not seem like it, but I have been reading all Summer long.  While I don't remember every book I finished this Summer, there are some that stick out in my mind that I will share with you here.

The first is my all time favorite book ever: Little Women.  I had started this book a while ago and finally finished it while camping in New York this summer.  I don't know if I had only read abridged versions or if I had just forgotten some of the details of the book, but there definitely seemed to be some additions that I had never read before, which was a surprise bonus!  I love reading a book I have read before and discovering new details and treats!

Another book/book series I read (and am currently finishing) is the Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson.  I initially picked up Mistborn because the book club I am in was reading it.  It is definitely not a book I would have picked up on my own.  But that's the beauty of book clubs!  They open your eyes to new books that you never would have read otherwise.  I'm glad I purchased this book and decided to read it!  It is AMAZING!  The series follows Vin and her group of friends as they try to overthrow their ruler and establish a new government.  Vin has "magic" powers that she discovers and perfects with the help of her mentor and friend Kelsier.  I am currently reading the 3rd book in the series and have yet to be disappointed.  The second book starts out a bit slow, but DON'T GIVE UP!

I have also read a few books on couponing as I am trying to get better at it.  I won't bore you with those details, but if you are interested in learning more or want to know the books I read just let me know!

I am currently reading Now I See You by Nicole Kear for my book club.  So far I am enjoying it, although there is some language.  I'm not opposed to cursing, but sometimes I feel like it is a bit unnecessary.  While I know that there are some things that can only be expressed with a well placed expletive, the extent to which she swears is starting to annoy me.  I think that writers especially should be able to express themselves and their emotions more eloquently than using curse words every other line.  I am willing to ignore it because this is a memoir and not a book written by a well established author.  That is my only criticism so far.  

I will be sure to blog about Now I See You and will do my best to stay up to date with my blogging from here on out.  I've had a busy summer, which you can read about here.  

Here's to recommitting myself to blogging!

Happy reading!
