Sunday, December 30, 2012

Confederates in the Attic- Tony Horwitz

I first attempted to read this book during my Civil War Era History class almost 2 years ago. This book was an assigned reading, so naturally I didn't finish it.  But I did like what I had read, so instead of attempting to sell it  back to BYU for 2 bucks or whatever measly amount they would have offered me, I decided to keep it so that I could read it again on my own terms.  I picked it up a few weeks ago and was intrigued by the story Mr. Horwitz tells.

Mr. Horwitz, who is a former Pulitzer Prize winner, grew up loving the Civil War.  As he got older and began his writing career, his interests changed and he traveled the world, eventually marrying an Australian and then moving back to the states.  When he moved back to the US, he chose to live in Virginia, where he had grown up.  His love for the Civil War was rekindled when one morning he awoke to a Civil War reenactment taking place in his backyard.

A few weeks later, Horwitz decided to meet up with one of the reenactors he had met in his backyard.  He spent a weekend spooning a bunch of men and eating legit food that Southern soldiers would have eaten during the war.  This weekend and the conversations he had with some of the men there, made him realize that to some people in the South,  the Civil War was still going on.  Horwitz decided to take a journey of the South and speak to some of these people while touring some historical Civil War landmarks.

The story Horwitz tells at each of these locations are quite interesting. Some of them are funny and a bit ridiculous, but others really got me thinking about how strongly people in the South feel about the Civil War. While not everyone he talked to supported Slavery, I could tell just by reading that a lot of the reasons people still held on to the Civil War were the same reasons that many people in the South fought the Civil War to begin with: States Rights.   Horwitz tells stories about Cats of the Confederacy, which a couple started when they didn't have children to put in the Children of the Confederacy.  He also tells about his experience witnessing the trial and surrounding hype of a group of young black men who shot and killed a white man with Confederate flags flying on his truck.

Horwitz went from battleground to battleground and followed the stories as he heard about them.   He even went on a Civil War-gasm trip with one of the reenactors he had met in his backyard.  This trip was a weeklong tour of the Civil War, hitting as many landmarks as they could, all while dressed in legit Civil War soldier clothing.

This book opened my eyes about how people in the South still feel about the War and why it was fought.  Having grown up in Texas, I knew that there were people that still had racist/prejudice feelings towards blacks, but I had never experienced anything quite like Horwitz did.  This was an interesting read for sure.  If you are a history nerd, you would probably get a kick out of this book.  And Mom, if you are reading this, just let me know when you want me to mail it to you :)  I know how you are about my history books.

Right now I am reading a Young Adult series called the Luxe.  I'm on book 3 of 4 and decided that I would just summarize the entire series at once. Spoiler alert I guess. :)


  1. Sis,
    You can send it when you have the money or just give it to your grandparents when it is time for the baby blessing in May.

    1. Which baby blessing? There are lots of babies coming to the family mom? :)
