Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mansfield Park- Jane Austen

So I would like to say that I finished this book and enjoyed it. But I can say neither of those things.  I had to take a break from Mansfield Park.  I found the book hard to follow, and that led it to be hard to enjoy.  I would get lost in conversations.  I would forget who characters were and had to go back to find out who that character was.  I'm pretty disappointed in this because I love Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility a LOT.  I don't know if it's the fact that I'm so busy and stressed that made it hard for me to enjoy, or if it's the book itself.  I'm hoping that if I take a break and come back to it, I will have a different opinion.  I mean,  I didn't like Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at first, but after taking a few months and trying it again, I ended up LOVING it. . . and then becoming obsessed with the entire series.  So maybe that will happen with Mansfield Park.  I know I like Jane Austen's writing, so hopefully I can come back to this book and enjoy it.

I am a little behind on my posts because I took a vacation to visit my mom in Colorado.  I did finish another book that I will write about, so look for that soon!

Until then,


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