Friday, February 20, 2015

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

I remember when The Da Vinci Code came out in theaters.  It was 2006.  I was dating someone that shall remain nameless. We REALLY liked kissing. . . I mean we were just in high school.  So we went to the movies and “watched” The Da Vinci Code.  It was the middle of the day and the movie had been out for awhile, so the theater wasn’t that busy.  Let’s just say I don’t remember much of what happened during the movie.  Wink wink.  Yup I was one of THOSE high school kids.  But really who wasn’t?  I can’t think of a single person that would say kissing isn’t fun. And when you are young and “in love” you want to be kissing your boyfriend ALL THE TIME.  But I digress.  This post isn’t about making out with my high school boyfriend during a movie.  It’s about the book that movie was based off of.  
I read Angels and Demons earlier in 2014, which I never posted about.  I really enjoyed it so I decided to read The Da Vinci Code.  I’m sure most of you have either read the book or seen the movie.  I’m just WAY behind the times.  If not, here’s a brief summary.

Robert Langdon is a symbologist that works at Harvard.  While out on a business trip in Paris, he is called in to help with a murder case.  A well known and respected Louvre Museum curator is found murdered with his body posed as the Vitruvian Man.  Langdon, along with Sophie Neveu, a cryptologist, work to figure out who is behind the murders.  This is made difficult because some of the police believe Langdon is actually responsible for the murder.  While trying to uncover who killed the curator, Langdon and Neveu find themselves on a journey to also find the Holy Grail.
This isn’t the BEST summary of the book, but it is hard to give a summary without giving away so many important details.  This book really leaves readers on the edge of their seats.  Even though I “saw” the movie before reading the book, I didn’t remember all of the details that really make this an excellent book.   It was definitely a page turner.  Again this isn’t the type of book I would normally pick up on my own.  I knew that the movie had intrigued me a bit (obviously not more than my boyfriend though ;) ) but had forgotten about it amongst all of my other books. John’s dad is a Dan Brown fan, and after reading another book John’s dad liked (Timeline), I decided to give Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code a try.  I’m really glad I did.  If you haven’t read it, GO READ IT NOW.  I’m glad I decided to read it instead of taking the easy way out and just watching the movie.  But now I want to go back and see what I missed J.

Here’s a trailer for the movie.  Yes it does feature Tom Hanks and Gandalf.  And yes I do refer to that actor as Gandalf and not his actual name.  Ian whose-it. . . haha.

I’m really enjoying branching out and reading books I wouldn’t normally pick up.  It’s opening a whole new world to me, which I am really enjoying.   Yes there are more posts to come, probably later today.  It’s a slow day at work after all.

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